Coming Home



Four and a half years ago I started my first blog right here on WordPress. I was surprised how much I loved blogging but after a change in my circumstances felt I’d outgrown that blog.  I moved from WordPress to have more freedom and later bought my own domain, again seeking the ultimate freedom.

After waking to find hackers had destroyed everything I had done and not willing to pay one more knowledgeable than myself to fix the damage the hackers had done I am back home on WordPress starting all over again. Who knows maybe they did me a favor.



  1. Lois,

    needless to say, I am so so sorry about your site being hacked….

    totally understand if you had decided to chuck in the towel.

    However, I am MOST glad that you have pushed on.

    I have to tell you, the title of your blog post at top

    “Coming Home”, truly felt like I was coming home. I have missed your posts, and being part of your community, online family. I cherish the events and renos you share, and look forward to more.

    Love your new posts here today, read them all, but will come back later to comment.

    Did anyone know (your son?) why someone hacked your blog? Just being Idiots? or what. You don’t have tons of advertising, so it hardly seems like it is worth them stealing (I have assumed blogs were stolen for advertising revenue?)

    big hugs.`


    • I’m so glad you followed me here and happy it gave you the feeling of coming home. I wasn’t sure whether to just give up or try again. Hackers do this for kicks, because they can. Guess I wasn’t meant to venture out into the bigger forum of self hosting.


  2. Oh my, Lois–I’m gutted that this happened to your work! So very sorry to get that news. But I’m glad you’ve risen above it with a brand-new, very nice-looking blog. I’ll resubscribe, of course, and thanks so much for the shout-out in the “Favorite Blogs” section!


    • I couldn’t not include you in my list of favorite blogs.

      I’ve got my fingers crossed that should a hacker find me here WordPress will help me to fix the problem. I had no idea that a self hosted site with the added security features would not prevent the problem or help me when it happened. If you notice anything I’ve forgotten in setting this site up, or ways to make it better, please let me know.


  3. Lois? Is this you my friend? I was wondering where you went! You got hacked? Damn. I know how much work you put into that blog and you were so proud to be self hosted. I am so glad you decided to come back though. I would have missed you so much. Big hugs my friend!


    • Thank you!! I almost gave up and called an end to my blogging. Just knowing you all care enough to follow me here has made my day so much brighter.


  4. Wow! I’m going to have to talk to TS about how they can hack and why on earth would anyone want to do that? I knew something was wrong when your comment on my last post needed approval as you were not on my list. “Living in Denim” sounded like the Lois I know so I approved and found my friend. I’ll catch up with you more at the end of the week when I get home. Have a great one and glad to see you here.


    • This group of hackers even have a Facebook page where they say to lighten up that the internet is for fun. Ya, glad you are having fun at everyone else expense.

      Nice to know the new blog title sounded like me. 🙂 I’m not the best at coming up with unique names. There was a time I was trying to start a business and needed to come up with a catchy name. I worked for weeks trying all kinds of phrases and such. One day my youngest walked in and saw me with paper and pen jotting down ideas and asked what I was doing. In moments he’d rattled off three excellent ideas. Grr. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

        • Agreed but I had a great mix of personalities and talents between my boys. I just wish the oldest lived closer because he’s my handyman loving working with building materials while the youngest enjoys the finishing work more but his strength was always with technology. Having a handyman and as you call your son, a Tech support both in the house was great.

          Sociopath, nice way of describing these hackers.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Was sorry to read you had been hacked Lois, all that work!!! In saying that it’s nice to have you back at WordPress just because the commenting is easier 🙂 Honestly…wouldn’t you think people had better things to do with their lives than just have to interfere in the lives of others? If they have that sort of skill why don’t they do something great with it instead of this sort of thing.


    • You would think they could find something better to do with their time than destroy the hard work of others. I didn’t even have a huge blog, not even close so why they bothered with me is a question I’ll never know. I’m curious, was the commenting harder for you on the previous blog? I thought it worked the same being that it used the WordPress software


      • Yes, exactly! It’s just so destructive and they obviously have brains – there are so many negative sites they should shut down! Not hard but just had to sign in every time and easier as always logged in here.


        • Good to know about the commenting, thanks.

          Yes, let those hackers shut down sites like Return of the Kings, they don’t deserve to spew their views, in my opinion.

          Liked by 1 person

          • oh…meant to comment…love the picture at the top. Was it your lunch?

            re the hackers…nasty bits of work. Confounds me why they would do this to a blog they cannot steal advertising revenue from (have heard of that)…


          • No, it does look good though doesn’t it? I did have raisin Ezekiel bread for lunch which I think was on my mind when I spotted this photo. 🙂 I’ll be mixing public domain images (copyright free) with my own for a while as I deleted all the pictures I took for the blog when I thought I was going to quit blogging after the hacking.


  6. Oh, I meant to tell you, Lois–I have to thank you for reminding me to make copies of all my posts. I save them in other files on my computer, but I had dropped off doing it, and this unfortunate incident of yours reminded me that I really should save my work. It’s not so much for the blog itself as for my personal memories and experiences–I want the kids to have copies. So, thank you for the timely reminder!


    • You’re welcome. I do hope you don’t ever lose all the hard work you’ve put in or your beautiful photographs. If nothing else comes out of losing my blog preventing just one person from losing all their work would make it worth it to me.


  7. Thanks for responding to my email, Lois. I am so glad you haven’t given up on blogging. I would (and did) sorely miss your posts and those who comment– the little community you have built of like-minded folks.
    I want to let you know that those who are clicking on your replies to their blogs to try to find you aren’t necessarily being led to this new site. In my case it led nowhere except to a 3 item list of blogs that livingindenim reads and that’s why I figured out how to email you. Had that not worked I wouldn’t be here!


    • just to mention, Lois,
      I have tried many times googling Living in Denim, and cannot find you at all.

      if I put it in quotation marks, I find it a few entries down the google page…
      “Living in Denim”

      I had always been a reader who googled who each time to read your blog (the eco grandma), so that is just the way I do it, and was surprised to not find you ..but all is good with quotation marks..


    • Sorry for all the confusion. I’m glad you are here and thanks for the heads up. Now I know I’ll have to notify each blogger personally to tell them what happened.


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