Finishing Up a Few Projects

The quiet over Christmas was a welcome change from the constant revolving door to guests that has become the norm around here. One of the things I decided to do during that period was to pull out a few projects that I started but never got around to finishing.

This first one didn’t come out as nicely as I thought it would.  I used a bread cloth for cross stitch to make a monkey napkin my grandson will enjoy using when visiting.


Then there was this Christmas banner that had been sitting here for a couple of years waiting on me. I’ll finish it into a project closer to next Christmas.


Finally, this one was only half completed so it took most of my time.


A bit of whimsy for the children to find next Halloween.  I’ll be using the pant legs of a pair of black dress pants my son tore and passed on to me to do what I wanted to create a slip cover for a throw pillow in the living room.

It’s a wonderful feeling to see the pile of things waiting for me slowly disappear. There’s still a few more months of winter so hopefully that pile will disappear before spring arrives.

Do you have unfinished projects nagging at you to finish, too?


  1. Love your projects that have been finished and are still on the go.. The one for Halloween looks Very good.. 🙂
    And I hope the weather is kind to you Lois.. Keep warm.. stay safe.. 🙂 and sending Big hugs x


    • Isn’t that cute? I thought the kids would get a kick out of seeing that next Halloween.

      The weather here hasn’t been too bad. We’re getting some snow now but it’s only an inch I’d guess so that puts us at a total of around 4 inches on the season. Not bad at all. Hope your weather is mild too Sue.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Swiss Rose. I had set that one aside when I ran out of one of the colors of thread and forgot about it until last week.


  2. Great projects.

    My main unfinished project was a sweater I’d been knitting for years. Not a couple of years, but more like 6 or 7. I finished it up this fall, though – finally!


    • That’s fantastic. Was it for you? I have projects that have been sitting around for years, not sure how many. I want to finish them all this year.


  3. I love your projects, Lois. Especially the home sweet home. My daughter loves sock monkeys and I love the witch too. I wondered what a bread cloth was? Do I have any unfinished projects? Does a bear poo in the woods? I’m was sitting here waiting for my son to text one last time that they made it home while I watch another rare snowfall. They just made it so I can really relax now. I will be organizing for months as I can’t even get the tree down. Stuff piled in front of the shed door and it’s too cold to go out and fight with it. Once I’m rested I will keep on tackling it. The doctor put me on the whole 30 program for 30 days. Entirely contrary to your diet. I’ve done a lot of fasting and may again at the end of this month. Was working to hard this last week so I needed protein to keep the muscles from hurting. Maybe by next week, I’ll be able to get into my sewing room again. So much I want to do but this last few weeks totally drained me. But I’m sticking to it so I can move easier and faster and think better. I know what quiet times means to you. I even asked my daughter not to come over today. I needed quiet alone time to rest.


    • I think it’s good to have projects to keep myself busy but when the started ones pile up it drives me batty. Once you have your home arranged the way you want it I’m sure you will feel more like tackling your projects.

      I looked at the Whole30 but would have to change a lot of it to make it work with my health, I wish you the best of luck.

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      • I guarantee the whole 30 isn’t for everyone. But I’m sticking it out for 30 days. Need more veggies and a little fruit as soon as I can get to the market. Still have celery and broccoli left for today and some frozen mango. I can hardly wait to get it all organized. Still making piles to give away. Wish you were closer so you could see if there was something you could use.


        • How’s the Whole 30 working for you? I hope your weather broke so you were able to get to the store.

          It’s probably a good thing I’m not closer, I would like to get rid of more stuff here not bring more in. Good luck getting your stuff gone.

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          • The Whole 30 seems to be working wonderfully. I’m reducing the amount of meat I eat and making what I do eat more flavorful. Getting ready to make a vegetable soup stock. I think I’m losing weight because I can cross my legs easier. I’m not allowed to weigh myself till the end. I have been able to get to the store and all the snow and ice are gone. 50 degrees today but windy. I’m sure it will all be gone soon. Making progress.


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