Slow Tuesday

Look at that funny tree

We are still enjoying a car-free summer.  I thought I would share some of life from the eyes of a child today.  The things they notice and say can really crack me up.

First up was a stop along the beach where we had to stop to let my grand son try and figure out why the ducks weren’t in the water today.

Should we test the water

This was the third day in a row that I noticed the ducks weren’t entering the water.  They would step down on the steps and get wet, then shake off and get out.

There is a sign posted for swimming

Can the ducks read grandma?

My grandson wanted to know what the sign said (I wondered why he never asked before today).  When I read it to him he asked me if the ducks could read and that’s why they weren’t going in the water.  Not sure how to answer that without laughing I asked him what he thought.  His reply:  Yep they must have duck school.

We headed to the library and then the playground.  He begged me to take pictures of him trying to do new things so here they are.

You don’t just have to go down a slide
Let’s see if I will fall on my head

Hey we have to head home, it’s going to rain

The rain wants the sun to go away

Of course we got home before the rains started, but just to be sure he wouldn’t get wet he found a hat to wear while playing in the fields.

Have you noticed the holes in the bottom of the planter? Don’t worry grandma, it will keep the rain off of me.

Getting late, so next thing I know I hear:  Grandma I’m hungry can we go make dinner?  Did I have lunch yet?  Yes I took you out for lunch before the playground.  Okay, can we make dinner?

Sure and since tomorrow is the farmer’s market, let’s make dinner from things I still have leftover from last weeks market.  Okay, can I help?

Yes, you can.  Let’s start by getting out the rice cooker (you can make much more than rice in it)   and the cutting board.

Skillet dinner of potatoes, leeks, eggs and the last of the peas from the garden. It was delicious.

Grandma, can you read to me?  I’ll get the books out.  Not long after mom showed up to take him home.  They no more than pulled away and the rain finally arrived so I never got to see if the planter would have kept him dry.


to be full of life like a child








  1. Sounds like a great day – love the reading ducks. Have you ever seen the book Click Clack Quack – about ducks that type notes to Farmer Brown? I bet they’d love it, if you can find it at the library. There is also one about cows (Click Clack Moo). I’d love to hear more about using the rice cooker for other meals. I’ve only made rice in mine.


    • I have read Click Clack Quack, but didn’t know about Click Clack Moo I’ll have to find it, thanks. I didn’t realize a rice cooker could be used for more than rice until I moved here. About a week later it was rainy and damp and I desperately wanted to have soup. I had a can of soup and realized I could probably heat it using the rice cooker. From there I began to make just about anything I would have used a stove for. I will have to do a post one day on the rice cooker and share my experiences using that in place of a stove.


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